Cioppino's Mediterranean Grill Inc

Type de restaurant

  • Restaurant gastronomique,

Type de cuisine

  • Italienne,
  • Méditerranéenne,


  • Restaurant avec terrasse,
  • Restaurant accessible en fauteuil roulant,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
1133 Hamilton St, Vancouver BC V6B 5P6
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

Vérifier avec le marchand


  • > 60 $,

Modes de paiement:

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Ce contenu est uniquement en anglais

For chef Pino Posteraro, owner of Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill and Enoteca, cooking is a truly personal passion. “We are a highly versatile restaurant," he explains. "I love to take local seasonal ingredients and personalize them.”

Pino opened Cioppino’s in 1999, and still works on the line nightly, whipping up creations like his Gold Medal winning porcini and chestnut zuppa or the signature Cioppino medley of sustainable fish and seafood bouillabaisse. On many nights, diners request a chef-prepared menu degustazione (tasting menu), which is created in the moment and cooked by Pino himself.

Pino's interest in cooking and southern Italian hospitality was inspired by his mother at an early age. As an only child of an aristocratic family, she was sent to train with professional chefs to cook for her family. “I have seen masterpieces going through her hands,” Pino recalls. “She made a virtue of necessity: six kids, grandchildren and Mom always accommodated everyone’s needs.”

Today, Cioppino’s upholds this philosophy; guests at the Yaletown dining room are treated like old friends rather than anonymous diners. “We rarely say no to a patron’s requests. It’s as though they are at my home,” Pino says warmly.

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