Comox Fireplace and Patio

Produits et services

  • Installation de foyer,

Marques disponibles

  • Regency,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
4911 North Island Hwy, Courtenay BC V9N 5Y9
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Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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Évaluations et commentaires - Comox Fireplace and Patio

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  • Mauvais

    Took 3 weeks to get a service appointment on their project, installed by them. Then I received a call 2 working days before the appointment telling me the appointment needed to be changed to the following day to facilitate their scheduling. I said that I could not be home that day until 3:30 and a 3:30 appt. was confirmed. I arrived home 45 minutes early and found the technician waiting for me. He had been given a 1-3 pm time slot. Inconvenient and inefficient for everyone.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ
    Greg C

    Went into the store looking to schedule a time for quote to install wood stove. Was told someone would call me to talk my needs and schedule. Was told its a busy time of year no one was on site to schedule this. Been over a week haven't heard anything. If this is the way these people conduct business I'm glad I was able to figure it out before giving them any of my money. Simply terrible service, won't be stepping foot on their property ever again.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Réponse d'entreprise 1 février 2017

    This review has just now come to our attention... First and foremost, customer service is of utmost importance to us. Unfortunately, in an extremely hectic season, mistakes can occur. We should have contacted you sooner than we did, and for that we apologize. Over the years we have accumulated countless very satisfied customers and we genuinely regret that we could not make you one of them.


    Poor customer service.

    I was a customer for a number of years but their service quality deteriorated to the point that I can no longer deal with these people. I had my chimney swept for a few years by Comox Fireplace, every year the representative would tell me about the same minor problem with my chimney and say that it was nothing to worry about. Last year was the first year that I was not present while the chimney was swept, only my wife was here. When I arrived home she was upset and informed me that the young man was very concerned about the state of our chimney and that he said we needed $700 worth of repairs or our chimney was unsafe. I went to their office and spoke to the manager, after explaining my situation to him he told me that the problem my wife was told about was the same minor problem that had existed for years and we had nothing to worry about. This bothered me somewhat that these people would give a woman significantly different information than they would give a man. This did not speak to me well about their honesty. This year I had asked for a call during the summer to have my chimney swept at their lower off-season rate. In mid October I still had not received a call so I called them. I was told that she "Just didn't get around to calling everyone" and "Anyway, you could have called us" and because of this I would have to pay the premium rate. I declined their offer. At this point I called another chimney service provider and got my chimney swept for over 30% less and I was treated much better. I would not recommend Comox Fireplace.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Réponse d'entreprise 8 septembre 2014

    In response to the previous review I would like to say that Comox Fireplace and Patio has nothing but the utmost respect for all of our clients including women. In the day to day operations of this company they have treated myself and the other women that work here with fairness and class. I do not know your of particular situation but I can assure you and all our clients that we deal honestly. Integrity is everything. Our Warm Fuzzy Guarantee is an example. We have run chimney sweeping programs in the past and when time permits have tried to call each client individually. Unfortunately due to the increasing volume of chimney sweeps that we complete it is impossible to personally call everyone. Most of our regular clients are quite familiar with our program and call early in the season to take advantage of any possible deals. We take all of our clients concerns seriously and welcome any opportunity to correct them. Denise K

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