Bugs have always plagued humankind, but there are countless home remedies to relieve the pain and swelling and soothe the maddening itch.
25 juin 2015
Bugs have always plagued humankind, but there are countless home remedies to relieve the pain and swelling and soothe the maddening itch.
Even the most beautiful summer day can have a dark side if you get stung by a bee, wasp or mosquito. Since these pests have always plagued humankind, there are countless home remedies to relieve the pain and swelling and soothe the maddening itch.
Mosquito bites are usually a harmless nuisance; however, stings from bees, wasps or hornets can be dangerous. A sting on the mouth or on the throat carries a risk of suffocation and, for people with allergies, a sting anywhere can be life-threatening.
In either case, get to the emergency room immediately. Otherwise you can rely on the wealth of experience from home medicine. If you get bitten by a tick, it's crucial to quickly remove it, including the head. Grasp it with tweezers as close to the skin as possible and slowly pull it out. If the head remains buried, consult a doctor. Be particularly wary of a circular redness spreading around the site of the bite some days or weeks afterward — this can be the first indication of Lyme disease.
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