I brought an unusual print there. An electronic schematic blueprint of a transistor radio labeled with Alternative music bands fro the late 70's to present day. I couldn't be more pleased with the work. I had originally selected a different matte for the frame but received a phone call a few days later suggesting another colour. Well she was absolutely correct. Way better. Fantastic work. Highly recommend. Will certainly be a repeat customer. Lire plus
Excellent service. Unbelievable to see what a custom framing can do to your art and family pictures. Variety of wall art pieces. Lire plus
A great store for art and for the service. The owner is a great listener and no project seems to be too complex or too simple - you always feel that she gives her full respect and skill to every item. In a time where it's rare for a customer's needs to be put front and centre is rare from so many OTHER service providers - Clea's is a very welcoming place to find what you need. Highly recommend. Lire plus
Your choice of matting and framing made my wildlife photos pop.i can't believe the difference professional framing can make to a project. Lire plus
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