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  Why would you let AZP help you with your  


  Preventative maintenance?  

A proper organization and system for preventative maintenance are crucial for transport companies. Many will neglect some of the most critical maintenance points, causing their equipment to break down on the road. As a road service company, AZP is exceptionally well-positioned to know which parts will break on the road. So those who will use our system will be rewarded with less on-road breakdown.

Let an expert guide you throughout your maintenance strategy to get the best out of your fleet. Schedule an appointment with us today by texting or calling us at
 +1- (819)-475-5674 

Broken part on a heavy truck.


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Road Side Assistance

We will repair your vehicle directly on the road 24/7

Tires Repair & Replacement

On Trucks, trailers, Earthmovers, Farm equipment, Excavating machinery, Port container lift, and others.

Truck Unlocking Service

Did you forget your key in your vehicle? Do not worry. We will come to you and unlock it!

​Antipollution and Check Engine Diagnosis

We will diagnose and repair antipollution after treatment and check engine-related issues.

Auxiliary A/C instalation

4 auxiliary Batteries power a bed A/C, so you keep the truck away from idling and causing after-treatment problems. You are also saving about 378$ a week and 18'144$ per year on fuel.

Snow Removal For trailer

We will remove the snow from the top of your trailer roof. With an appointment or without. We are using Full Body Safety Harness to ensure the safety of our workers service offered 24/7 

Fuel System

Your truck is cranking but does not start? You might have a fuel problem. Contact us so we can help you! 819-475-5674

 Parts For Air Conditioning Systems

​Try us! We might surprise you with our large inventory and low prices. We got A/C parts for Heavy Truck and Auxilliary Systems, Farm machinery, Excavating, Automotive, and Reefer

System Repair

Do you have a transmission or differential problem? Let us know we will come to your truck and diagnose it!

Our Service For Heavy Truck & Trailer

-Tire change & Repair

-Preventative maintenance

-Antipollution after treatment

-Air system repair

-Smoke test for water leak detection on dry box

-Bulk & pneumatic trailer repair

-Hydraulic reparation

-Transmission differential

-Fueling service for reefer and truck

-Check engine look-up with scanner

-Mobile Aluminum welding and steel welding

-Oil change on the go anywhere you need it

-Hydraulic tailgate repair

-Dry box sliding door repair

-Windshield replacement 

-Reefer repairs

-Electrical, electronic diagnosis

-Brake system repairs

Check Engine Diagnosis

Tires Repair & Replacement On Heavy Truck, Farm Equipment, and Earthmover

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A/C Repair On Reefer, Heavy Truck, Farm & Earthmover Equipment


Bulk & Tanker systems repairs

Diesel Engine Repair

Preventative Maintenance

Transmission, Differential Replacement

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