
Produits et services

  • Salsa,
1209 St Clair Ave W, Toronto ON M6E 1B5
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Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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There are two types of dancers in this world: those who seem to have come out of the womb doing the quickstep and those who need the parts broken down before they’re waltzing like Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers. Yared Rodriguez, one of the owners of Social Dance Spot (alongside Anton Sharafetdinov), explains why dancers find themselves improving much more at their studio than at others.

“They come to us and they are really happy to see a different point of view," Anton says. "More than just ‘move the feet forwards and backwards and move the body from side to side.' We break things down in terms of musicality with music concepts to make more sense when they dance."

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