
Produits et services

  • #achatlocalenligne,
129 James St N, Hamilton ON L8R 2K8
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Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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Sunlight streams through the window bathing ceramic cups, bowls and sculptures in a warm glow. Splashes of burnt umbers, cerulean blues and pinks meld with the earth tones of fired glazes from the fine crafts offered in Chris de Takacsy’s intentionally generically named shop, Store, that opened in October 2014.

Chris laughs when asked of Store’s etymology. Never having been a fan of pretension, Chris insists that the generic name was chosen for its inclusive and open connotation, thus permitting her to house different ceramics, sculptures, materials and books. “Art should be for everybody. I try to be accessible and inviting,” Chris states.

Using movable plinths to showcase her and other artists’ work, Chris’s vision of her store was a project in the making. While she has come a long way since her first foray crafting wall tiles based on cave drawings when she was 12 years old, her heart has always been as a maker and artist despite coming to ceramic art as a second career. “This is not a job. It’s fun!” Chris enthuses.

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