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254 Hastings St E, Vancouver BC V6A 1P1
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For Mo Tarmohamed, taking over The Rickshaw Theatre was an act of transformation. “I'm actually an accountant by trade,” he laughs. “My background has nothing to do with music, other than the fact that I've always been a music fan. But I'd gotten to a point in my life where I decided that it was time to put up or shut up. I'd had enough of corporate life, and I wanted to go into something that I cared about.”

And ever since he took over the 500-seat venue back in 2011, Mo has worked tirelessly to share his passion with music lovers just like him, providing top-of-the-line sound, a supportive atmosphere, and a diverse lineup of performances that run the gamut from punk, to metal, to alternative indie, to comedy and dance shows.

“My goal is for people to realize that The Rickshaw represents what's good about live performance in Vancouver,” he explains. “It's for people who enjoy watching live performances. There's no overarching plan; we just want people to enjoy themselves. We want to be part of the fabric of the arts and culture in this city.”

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